Water Utility

The Wrightstown Water Utility strives to provide high quality water for all residential, industrial and commercial customers for generation to come. The village’s water utility staff routinely monitors and samples the water supply, which meets or exceeds all United States EPA and Wisconsin DNR standards.
The Village of Wrightstown has up to date Utilities that will provide quality drinking and sanitation processes for many generations to come. The newest and primary addition to life quality in the village of Wrightstown is a 13 mile water transmission main which incorporates collaboration with multiple communities to supply Lake Michigan water, treated by Green Bay water Utility, and then is piped to our community. This pipe line will deliver a quality water supply for many generations to come in the Village of Wrightstown and will also help depress future rate increases through reductions in operational costs for the utility.
The emergency source of the village’s water supply comes from two high capacity wells in the Sandstone Aquifer. After the water is pumped it is treated with Sodium Hypochlorite for disinfection purposes and Aquamag, a blended phosphate, to control natural iron and manganese that is present in the groundwater, and to control lead and copper leaching from water service lines.
The water distribution system contains just over 18 miles of water main, and 248 fire hydrants. The village also has two water towers with a combined capacity of 500,000 gallons. For more information about the Wrightstown Water Utility please click on the links below.
Drinking Water Characteristics – We often get inquiries on characteristics of our drinking water. Below is a set of summary tables of the most requested information. If you want to know the results of a characteristic that is not on this list please give us a call
2023 Consumer Confidence Report Final
***The 2023 CCR will not be mailed individually to the consumers, but will be available upon request.***
Green Bay Water Summary Characteristics:
Total Hardness, Average = 130 mg/l or 9.12 grains
Iron, Average = 0 or non-detectable
Manganese, Average = 0 or non-detectable
Arsenic, Average = .0006 mg/l
Mercury, Average = 0 or non-detectable, Nitrate/Nitrite, Average = 0 or non-detectable, pH, Average = 7.1
Fluoride, Average = 0.75 mg/l Total Alkalinity, Average = 100 mg/l
Daily Chlorine Residual (disinfectant) = .73 -1.0 mg/l
Daily Blended Phosphate Residual = .3 – .8 mg/l (lead and copper corrosion control)
Well Summary Characteristics:
Total Hardness, Average = 544 mg/l or 31.8 grains
Iron, Average = .73 mg/l
Manganese, Average = .048 mg/l
Arsenic, Average = .0006 mg/l
Mercury, Average = 0, Nitrate/Nitrite, Average = 0, pH, Average = 7.1
Fluoride, Average = 2.3 mg/l Total Alkalinity, Average = 114 mg/l
Daily Sodium Hypochlorite Residual (disinfectant) = .2 – .6 mg/l
Daily Blended Phosphate Residual = .9 – 1.0 mg/l (lead and copper corrosion control)
Lead and Copper Testing (Lead Public Education Brochure (10-10-23)
This past August, Wrightstown Waterworks performed mandatory lead and copper tests as per Department of Natural Resources (DNR) guidelines. We collected samples from “Tier II reporting sites,” which are homes built from January 1983 to September 1984 with copper pipes and lead-based solder. Our water system is categorized as low risk for lead, with no “Tier I” high-risk lead service lines or components.
During testing, two out of ten samples exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and DNR threshold of 15 ug/L for lead content, which classifies as an “exceedance.” We acted swiftly, conducting thorough follow-up tests from the inside plumbing to the external connection. These tests pinpointed the lead sources to interior plumbing. Management is actively engaging with the affected households to eliminate the internal lead threats posed by solder, fixtures, and pipes.
Rest assured, Wrightstown Waterworks, alongside the EPA and DNR, is committed to delivering safe, high-quality water. We believe in transparency and will report this exceedance in future disclosures. Your safety is our priority, and this is an exceptional case. Should any widespread measures become necessary, we promise clear and immediate communication.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Andy Vickman, Director of Public Works and Utilities, at 920-532-0434 or Email Andy Vickman, or you can contact Wrightstown’s DNR representative, Wendy Anderson.
Water Conservation Links
Wrightstown Water Services Inventory (9-23-2024)