Dog Licenses

2025 Dog Licenses
All dogs over five months of age residing in the Village of Wrightstown need to be licensed before April 1, 2025. The cost for a license is $5.25 for spayed or neutered dogs and $10.25 for all other dogs. Every dog is required by state statute to have a current rabies shot. To receive your license send the current rabies vaccination papers along with the correct fee to Village Hall at 352 High Street.
Any resident who owns a dog and does not license their dog by April 1, 2025 will be fined an additional $25.00 per dog late fee.
There are no exceptions to this ordinance and strict enforcement will begin on April 1.
Dogs cannot run at large – No owner or person in control or having custody of a dog shall allow the same to run at large within the village unless accompanied by and under control of the owner or keeper.
Village Hall Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:00AM to 4:30PM
Tuesday 8:00AM to 6:00PM
Friday 8:00AM to noon