Planning / Zoning

Plans, maps, etc

Planning / Zoning Fee Schedule

Planning-Zoning Fee Schedule.2024

  • Certified Survey Map: $100.00 per lot

  • Preliminary Plat Approval: $300.00

  • Final Plat Approval: $200.00

  • Rezoning Approval: $400.00

  • Conditional Use: $250.00

  • Variance:
    Commercial: $250.00
    Residential: $125.00

  • Preliminary Approval of a Planned Development District: $350.00

  • Amendment of Final Approval of a Planned Development District: $350.00

  • Site Plan & Design Review: $150.00

  • Shorelands & Wetlands: $ 50.00

Forms are available for download below or at Village Hall, 352 High St. from 8:00 to 4:30 Monday through Thursday or call 532-5567 and one will be mailed to you.

All Forms must be submitted no less than 2 weeks prior to the next Planning Commission Meeting

Capital Improvement Plan (Revised 8.28.2023 by TC)