Municipal Court Public Records Request

In accordance with WI § 19.34(1), records of this authority shall be available at the following times and places:
Wrightstown Municipal Court, 352 High St, Wrightstown, WI 54180
We are a part-time court and our hours will vary. Generally we are available M-T from 4:00pm – 6:00pm. It is best to call or email for any in-person requests.
The Wrightstown Municipal Court Office is closed from time to time for holidays and other necessary closing days.
The Legal Custodian of the records for this authority is: Judge Perry D. Kingsbury or his designee in his absence.
Any member of the public who desires to obtain information and access to the records in the custody of this branch of government, or who desires to make a request for records or obtain copies of records, or obtain information regarding the costs thereof should contact the Legal Custodian or Designee.
*Under Wisconsin law, a request for access to a public record may not be refused “because the person making the request is unwilling to be identified or to state the purpose of the request” See WI §19.35(1) Wis. Stats.
If your request is not readily available, you may be assessed a processing fee. If we are unable to fill your request while you wait, we will have it available or notify you within 10 working days or sooner it at all possible, of when the record(s) will be available, per WI State Statute 19.35(4)(a).
Pre-payment is required for any requests in excess of $5.00
Copies of are $1.25 per page . Copies made on CDs or DVDs are $10.00. Postage costs will also be added if you request the records to be mailed. Depending on the amount of information requested, you could be asked to leave a deposit and be charged for the actual labor and materials.
The Wrightstown Municipal Court furnishes information to the State Department of Transportation and the Director of State Courts. We also perform all other acts of a municipal court as authorized by state and local law.
A link is provided for your convenience to print out our office form to send in or drop off. (click here for printable form)
Notice: If your request for records has been denied, you have the right to a review by writ of mandamus under WI § 19.37(1) or upon application to the Wisconsin Attorney General or the District