Parks & Recreation
Located along the banks of the scenic Fox River, the Village of Wrightstown offers many opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. For year round enjoyment, the village offers four parks and the Zirbel Sledding Hill, as well as the ,Brown County system affiliated, Mueller Park Boat Landing which provides access to the Fox River. Please read below for more information about the village’s parks and the Community Links for other local recreational opportunities.
2022 Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
2022 Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan – 2022.11.01 Public Hearing Notice
2022 Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Appendix – Final Draft
Community Information
VAN DYKE PARK – 924 Main Street (Behind American Legion)
VanDyke Park is available for organized athletic/recreational activites. Organizations and associations may reserve the park for league games or practices. Such uses would include baseball, softball, and soccer. This park consists of two (2) acres and is located on Main Street behind the American Legion Urban Klister Post 436. Amenities include children’s play equipment, soccer area, and two softball diamonds. Please stop in at Village Hall to obtain a reservation form or call 532-5567 with any questions.

Zirbel Sledding Hill is a five acre hill for winter recreation. The sledding hill is located at 352 High Street behind Village Hall and across from the Wrightstown Elementary School, with parking available on the street or in the school parking lot when school is not in session. The sledding hill is available at first snowfall, from dusk to dawn and is at your own risk.

SHAMROCK PARK – 329 Royal St Pat’s Drive
Shamrock Park is a four acre park located on Royal St. Pat’s drive on the village’s west side. Children’s play equipment was installed in 2007.

MUELLER PARK – 660 Washington St.
This park consists of three acres and is located on Washington Street on the east shore of the Fox River in the southern portion of the village. Amenities include picnic areas with grills, children’s play equipment, a sand volleyball court, horseshoe area, and a shelter building that is available for rental from May 1 to mid October. The park closes annually from mid November to mid April. In the summer, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, the Waterboard Warriors perform on the Fox River.(Get Map)
Are you interested in renting our Mueller Park Pavillion? Mueller Park Rental Agreement

LION’S – WAUPEKUN PARK – 225 Longwood Lane
Lion’s -Waupekun Park is a two acre park located on the village’s east side at Longwood Lane and Fawnwood Drive. Children’s play equipment was installed in 2005 along with two soccer goals.

Wrightstown, Mueller Park Boat Landing
The Wrightstown, Mueller Park Boat Landing is owned and operated by the Village of Wrightstown, but a part of the Brown County boat launch system . The boat landing is located on CTH ZZ on the east bank of the Fox River, just below the bridge. For more information on the Wrightstown Park Boat Landing please click on the link below.

Park Regulations
Thank you for visiting the Village Parks page. We hope that you have fun and enjoy your next trip to the park. To ensure your safety and the safety of others, there are a few rules that you should be aware of during your visit. Your cooperation with following these rules will be greatly appreciated.
Parks are open from sunrise to sunset. A permit is needed for park use after sunset.
Vehicles are permitted in designated parking areas or on the road.
Glass containers are not allowed in the park.
Pets are allowed in the park (owners/handlers are asked have their animals on a visible leash, no longer than seven (7) feet and are under full control. If their a animal defecates in the park, the pet owner/handler must clean up after the animal and remove such excreta from the park immediately and place in proper waste receptacles).
Golfing is not allowed in the park.
Excessive noise is prohibited. Radios need to be turned down so as not to be heard from a distance beyond 40′ from the instrument.
No littering. Please place all trash in the containers provided.
* Additional rules apply when renting the Mueller Park shelter.