Police Vision • Mission • Values

Our Vision:
To be recognized as one of the foremost professional, effective and progressive police departments and become the safest “Village” in Wisconsin.
Our Mission:
Working in partnership with our stakeholders, we will provide an exemplary level of service and protection to residents, businesses and to all those who may visit, work or travel through our community.
Our Motto:
Service, Honor, Integrity
We pursue our Mission with this motto and expect all members of our department to adhere to this motto in every contact we have.
Our Values:
Courage – to do what is right. Our first priority is the protection of human life. We believe that while Crime Prevention is our principal goal, we should vigorously pursue those who commit serious crimes;
Accountability– for ourselves and the actions we take. We recognize that department members are its greatest asset. Collectively, we assume responsibility to treat each other in a professional manner and support their professional development. We believe that policing strategies must preserve and advance constitutional rights and values;
Respect – for all members of our diverse community. We treat members of the public with dignity and we maintain the highest levels of integrity and professionalism in all of our actions. We are committed to resolving neighborhood problems and address quality of life issues believing that our services must answer those needs
Excellence – striving for personal and professional excellence in everything we do. We lead by example. We are receptive to new ideas for change from the community we serve. Their input helps determine our policies, priorities, and strategies, while working towards realistic, mutually agreed upon goals. We are committed to managing our resources in a careful, efficient, and effective manner;
Because We “CARE”