Water & Sewer Rates
Water Quarterly Service Charge
⅓"to X" meters $43.26
1° meters $61.80
1%™ meters $98.88
2" meters
3" meters $234.84
Other sizes please call
Output charges (per 1,000 gallons used)
First 30,000 gallons
Next 70,000 gallons
Over 100,000 gallons
Additional Meter Charge (per quarter)
¼"to %" meters
1" meters
11/2" meters
2" meters
Public Fire Protection (per quarter)
½"to %" meters
1" meters
11/2° meters
2" meters
Reconnection Charges
Reinstallation of meter including and/or valving at curb stop (during business hours) $40.00
Reinstallation/valving after business hours
Sewer Quarterly Service Charge
½"to ⅜" meters
1" meters
1⅓™ meters $202.04
2" meters $303.06
3 meters
Other sizes please call
Output charges (per 1,000 gallons discharged
Gallons per quarter
High Strength Waste Surcharge (If applicable to Industrial/Commercial waste)
BOD > 250 mg/l
TSS > 300 mg/|
P › 10 mg/|
Deduct Meters
Monthly charges for meter 1" or smaller $15.00
Bulk water connection fee
Water & Sewer Billing
The village issues water and sewer utility bills quarterly and they are processed in March, June, September and December and due the following month.
Payments can be mailed to:
Village of Wrightstown Water Utility
PO Box 1563
Green Bay WI 54305-1563
Online payment options can be found at www.wrightstown.us
All hours drop off/lock box at the Village Hall (352 High St.)
In -Person payments are accepted at Village Hall (352 High St.) during business hours.
Any questions regarding water bills can be directed to Green Bay Water Utility at (920) 448-3480 or Wrightstown Public Works & Utilities at (920) 532-0434.