Municipal Court Procedures

Chapter 800 of the Wisconsin State Statutes (WI §) is dedicated to municipal court procedures overall and WI § 800.035 explains the procedures for Initial Appearances in municipal court.
Notice of Address Change: Pursuant to WI § 800.035(2)(a)5 and Wisconsin Act 70 section 14, you are required by law to notify the court, in writing, within 5 days of the pendency of your case(s), of any change to your address.
First, you should check the upper left corner of your citation to see if your appearance is marked as Mandatory.
If your court appearance is Mandatory you must appear, regardless if you are going to enter a plea of guilty or no contest. You must notify the court before your scheduled court date of any issues. (NOTE: you may avoid an initial appearance by notifying the court of your desire to enter a plea of Not Guilty and you will be scheduled for pre-trial conference with the village prosecutor. Click here to print and fill out a copy of our Plea Sheet. please fill the form out completely.)
If your court appearance is not Mandatory, you may avoid appearing in court by submitting our plea sheet to the Municipal Court Clerk. Click here to print and fill out a copy of our Plea Sheet. please fill the form out completely.
For an explanation of the different pleas that may be entered, click here.
Another way you can avoid appearing in court is by simply paying the deposit amount listed on the citation prior to your court date and a plea of no contest will be entered for you. (click here for payment options)
If you choose this option and then change your mind and want to appear in court you may still do so.
You are always welcome to appear in person.
In accordance with WI § 800.05 you also have the right to have a trial in another Municipal Court.
If you have received a citation for drunk or drugged driving click here for more information
We hold separate court sessions for adults and juveniles.
Adult Court is held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Click here for more information on adult court proceedings
Juvenile Court is held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Juveniles must appear in person and we encourage the parents to also attend. Click here for more information on juvenile court proceedings
Most traffic citations will be seen in Adult Court.
All initial appearance court sessions, Adult and Juvenile, will begin at 4:00pm.
Other hearings or trials could be scheduled on various dates and times when deemed appropriate or as needed.
Except for juvenile court/hearings, all municipal court proceedings are open to the public and we encourage you to attend.
For Adults Who Choose To Appear In Person And Juveniles Who Must Appear In Person
Municipal Court is held in the Community Room at the Wrightstown Village Hall, 352 High Street.
Next Adult Court Date – Wednesday April 13, 2022 at 4:00 pm.
Next Juvenile Court Date – Wednesday April 13, 2022 at 4:00 pm.
Upcoming Trials – None
Court Reports –
If there are Municipal Court records you are interested in, please visit our Public Records Request page for more information.